Monday, September 15, 2008

Shai Agassi in Wired

In Driven: Shai Agassi's Audacious Plan to Put Electric Cars on the Road, Daniel Roth writes about Shai Agassi and his plan to revolutionize the auto industry by making electric cars finally viable. He plans to combine the car industry with the cell phone industry by making charging stations where people can sign up for plans of certain miles.

I greatly enjoyed this article. It brought up many new ideas I had not considered. For example, how they would "buy their car from the operator, who would offer steep discounts, perhaps even give the cars away. The profit would come from selling electricity—the minutes"(2 Roth). Obviously we all want eletric cars, as they would keep us off foreign oil, and in the process be much better for the environment. The most interesting thing about it, is that everyone else seems to think that he can do it as well. He got $200 million, making it the fifth largest start up of all time, in less than a year. People seem to really believe in him, which makes this seem much more achievable and not idealistic dreams.
However not everything is sunshine and dancing chipmunks.This kind of effortt would take a serious amount of national cooperation, unheard of since World War 2. I don't think people would be able to unite over this, and get rid of all gas stations and put electric card charging stations everywhere. It seems to be lacking in concrete action. It might work in the smaller countries, such as Israel that can handle such a full-scale national undertaking, but in the USA I can just not see this happening.

Roth, Daniel M. "Driven: Shai Agassi's audacious plan to put electic cars on the road." Wired. 18 Aug. 2008. .


JpegMasterJesse said...

Hey man, I'm Jpegmasterjesse from an IGN forum. I'm just curious - how did you get your blog name? As far as I know I coined the term about a year ago, and I've been casually googling it to see where it goes.

Either way, nice name! :p

abc said...

I agree. To switch all those gas stations to chraging stations would require an immense effort from everybody and I don't think that's possible. Another problem is the gas stations. What are we going to do with all those gas stations?

Sean C. said...

Yeah I'm a casual user of the IGN forums. I'm samrak and yeah I got that term from you. It was my favorite thread of all time. It's an awesome word.

Tony V said...

I like this idea too, it sounds pretty well thought-out. Im also interested in these articles because Im active in helping the environment and ideas like this really help to find solutions to those problems.

Katie said...

I think this is a really really good least on paper. i just can't see the american people jumping on board for this one. its too large of a step. hopefully in a few decades though, this will be a reality.

Julian R.E. said...

i agree with you. alternative energy is necessary, but it would be a hard change to get everyone to use electric cars. I think we should concentrate more on producing cleaner, renewable fuel.